Once upon a time, I was known as AdventuringJen. I lived on a different continent and did things like camping and cycling and an awful lot of wine tasting...
Then we moved back to the UK and I was adament that life could still be an adventure so I kept the blog going but it rang less and less each time I tried to post.
Now I have a really rather spectacular 17-month-old (let's call him Diddy-G) and an 18-week bun in the oven (Martian for now. To be replaced!). Life is certainly an adventure but a very different one to that which I used to post about. Adventures now involve new words, new experiences, new abilities...Mine and his. But they sometimes come around really, really slowly. Sometimes everything is exactly the same hour after hour, day after day...it often feels like month after month but that is rarely actually the case.
And so, having overcome the strange worries of disloyalty and fickleness that were keeping me tied to the old blog, here I am. No idea what I'll be writing about (but promise as much as possible to keep the wee/poo/snot/vomit stories away) but I have this general desire to start thinking in longer sentences again - I used to think in novels when I was younger, then it became blog posts, now I'm down to facebook statuses and I'd rather not be. Perhaps I'll make it back up to novels by the time Diddy-G leaves school. Only time will tell...