Friday, 6 May 2011


I'm not desperately political. I think at least in part because there isn't a party that I feel I would really like to align myself too. I'm often very opinionated but I have learnt that my opinions are rarely black and white these days and that they do often genuinely shift with time. Thus I don't feel like shouting about them quite as much as I used to.

Here are my questions for the day, following yesterday's elections and various bits of TV, radio and web comment from the last twelve hours or so...

What do people think would be gained from ousting Nick Clegg? And who would want to take over from him anyway? Is he really the bogie monster?

Is it actually feasible for Scotland to be an independent nation? (Don't read an opinion into that, I'm genuinely curious because my understanding would be that their economy couldn't do it but I'm sure those in the know know more than me!)


  1. I'm, I'm here... what did I miss... now up to date... keep it up my lovely

  2. Oh, and I was always under the impression that Scotland would be bankrupt without our subsidies from south of border...

  3. :) Hello! Hooray!
    And yes, that really was what I thought. Husbink thinks not necessarily...but I suspect the process would bankrupt both sides! It would be very interesting to see the effect on Husbink's home town if it did happen.
